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What's wrong with this layout?

СообщениеДобавлено: 12 авг 2014, 16:26
Trying to customize the screens the things wouldn't come out right.
From four screens I want to make three and just reordering and deleting sensors.
It shows two screens instead of three and the second screen has only title.
The rest is empty. Both default-landscape.layout and user.layout are the same.
What is that I'm doing wrong? Is there any other file that has to do with it?

Re: What's wrong with this layout?

СообщениеДобавлено: 13 авг 2014, 12:00
On line 22 you have
<item id="LitersPerHour" size='large'
but should be
<item id="LitersPerHour" size='large'/>

Re: What's wrong with this layout?

СообщениеДобавлено: 13 авг 2014, 12:31
Thank you!