[Closed] Strange behaviour when connecting
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- Зарегистрирован: 27 сен 2012, 15:23
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[Closed] Strange behaviour when connecting
I have been using your program on my HP iPAQ for several years with a generic bluetooth adapter without any issues. I recently bought a Samsung galaxy Tab 2 7.0 and was happy to see that your program has been ported to Android. The Samsung is currently on 4.0.4, but will be upgraded to 4.1 soon.
I downloaded the most current Android version and it will not connect to the exact same generic bluetooth adapter. The Windows Mobile version still connects every time and Torque for Android also connects.
Any ideas on what I need to do to get a connection?
I have been using your program on my HP iPAQ for several years with a generic bluetooth adapter without any issues. I recently bought a Samsung galaxy Tab 2 7.0 and was happy to see that your program has been ported to Android. The Samsung is currently on 4.0.4, but will be upgraded to 4.1 soon.
I downloaded the most current Android version and it will not connect to the exact same generic bluetooth adapter. The Windows Mobile version still connects every time and Torque for Android also connects.
Any ideas on what I need to do to get a connection?
- Администратор
- Сообщения: 4320
- Зарегистрирован: 06 дек 2011, 15:49
- Имя: Игорь
- Откуда: Нижний Новгород
Re: Hobdrive on Android Beta
Stephen, please ensure you use the latest (1.1.50) version (you can take it from play market), and try choosing "direct channel 1" connection method in connection settings dialog. you also may try choosing "android4" method as well. Give hobdrive a couple of tries - because connecting BT on android is cumbersome.
HobDrive(свежак) + Android4 rk3188 2din + Elm327USB + Pontiac Vibe 2003
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- Начинающий
- Сообщения: 18
- Зарегистрирован: 27 сен 2012, 15:23
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Re: Hobdrive on Android Beta
OK, I notice that sometimes HOBD will connect for a few seconds and I will get some readings on the screens, but within a few seconds it looses connection.
I won't give up, your program is the best OBD monitor in the business!
I won't give up, your program is the best OBD monitor in the business!
- Администратор
- Сообщения: 4320
- Зарегистрирован: 06 дек 2011, 15:49
- Имя: Игорь
- Откуда: Нижний Новгород
Re: Hobdrive on Android Beta
That looks like a problem with vehicle protocol, not obd adapter.
Please enable TRACE logging in system settings, then reproduce the issue and share here your log.txt file from your sdcard: /sdcard/hobd/log.txt
We'll see the reason.
Please enable TRACE logging in system settings, then reproduce the issue and share here your log.txt file from your sdcard: /sdcard/hobd/log.txt
We'll see the reason.
HobDrive(свежак) + Android4 rk3188 2din + Elm327USB + Pontiac Vibe 2003
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- Сообщения: 18
- Зарегистрирован: 27 сен 2012, 15:23
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Re: Hobdrive on Android Beta
Log File upload
- Вложения
- Here is the file from this morning. I also emailed it to your support address.
- (29.01 КБ) 2158 скачиваний
- Администратор
- Сообщения: 4320
- Зарегистрирован: 06 дек 2011, 15:49
- Имя: Игорь
- Откуда: Нижний Новгород
Re: Hobdrive on Android Beta
How often this happens?
log says "Device or resource busy".. Is there any other obd2 software that can interfere?
Does program restart helps?
Is this permanent?
log says "Device or resource busy".. Is there any other obd2 software that can interfere?
Does program restart helps?
Is this permanent?
HobDrive(свежак) + Android4 rk3188 2din + Elm327USB + Pontiac Vibe 2003
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- Сообщения: 18
- Зарегистрирован: 27 сен 2012, 15:23
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Re: Hobdrive on Android Beta
Happens every time I try to hook up. I can't verify that no other program is trying to run, but I don't think so.
I will test it on my ride home after work this evening, rebooting the tablet and being sure that nothing else is running.
I will test it on my ride home after work this evening, rebooting the tablet and being sure that nothing else is running.
Последний раз редактировалось stephenoneufer 01 окт 2012, 19:32, всего редактировалось 1 раз.
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- Сообщения: 18
- Зарегистрирован: 27 сен 2012, 15:23
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Re: Hobdrive on Android Beta
Also, thinking about this...sometimes I see 2 HOBD icons on the status screen, could that be an issue?
- Администратор
- Сообщения: 4320
- Зарегистрирован: 06 дек 2011, 15:49
- Имя: Игорь
- Откуда: Нижний Новгород
Re: Hobdrive on Android Beta
Hmm.. Two icons only could be visible when you run both "hobdrive demo" and full hobdrive simultaneously. Isn't this a case?
HobDrive(свежак) + Android4 rk3188 2din + Elm327USB + Pontiac Vibe 2003
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- Сообщения: 18
- Зарегистрирован: 27 сен 2012, 15:23
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Re: Hobdrive on Android Beta
I unpaired all bluetooth devices except the OBD2 adapter and still get the exact same results. I only have one (demo) version on the Samsung tablet.
Do you think the full version would do any better? I'd hate to pay for it and it still act the same... I know Torque free and full act differently, but at least both stay hooked to the OBD adapter.
Do you think the full version would do any better? I'd hate to pay for it and it still act the same... I know Torque free and full act differently, but at least both stay hooked to the OBD adapter.
- Администратор
- Сообщения: 4320
- Зарегистрирован: 06 дек 2011, 15:49
- Имя: Игорь
- Откуда: Нижний Новгород
Re: Hobdrive on Android Beta
I would not recommend bying full version until we understand what the problem is - because most probably it'll behave absolutely the same.
Have you tried other connection methods from connection settings dialog? (uuid, jni, android4 methods?) Please activate debug log collection (in settings menu), then try all of these methods, then disable the log collection and send again log files.
Please also try to catch the moment when you see two hobdrive icons and understand what actions lead to this (because this should be impossible from my understanding and could be a root cause of your issues)
Have you tried other connection methods from connection settings dialog? (uuid, jni, android4 methods?) Please activate debug log collection (in settings menu), then try all of these methods, then disable the log collection and send again log files.
Please also try to catch the moment when you see two hobdrive icons and understand what actions lead to this (because this should be impossible from my understanding and could be a root cause of your issues)
HobDrive(свежак) + Android4 rk3188 2din + Elm327USB + Pontiac Vibe 2003
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- Сообщения: 18
- Зарегистрирован: 27 сен 2012, 15:23
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Re: Hobdrive on Android Beta
I will try the other connection methods later today.
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- Сообщения: 18
- Зарегистрирован: 27 сен 2012, 15:23
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Re: Hobdrive on Android Beta
Here ia a screenshot of my settings screen. I don't see any other method of connection except the one i am using (CBT on Bluetooth)
- Администратор
- Сообщения: 4320
- Зарегистрирован: 06 дек 2011, 15:49
- Имя: Игорь
- Откуда: Нижний Новгород
Re: Hobdrive on Android Beta
Stephen, you should update to 1.1.50 version - it contains an extra "android4" method.
HobDrive(свежак) + Android4 rk3188 2din + Elm327USB + Pontiac Vibe 2003
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- Начинающий
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- Зарегистрирован: 27 сен 2012, 15:23
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Re: Hobdrive on Android Beta
Updated...will try again and report back.
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- Сообщения: 18
- Зарегистрирован: 27 сен 2012, 15:23
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Re: Hobdrive on Android Beta
With Android 4 picked, I get no connection at all, with jni picked, the tablet locked up and would not respond even to the power button. On automatic, I did get 10 seconds of connection again.
I will attach log file and screenshots from Torque Adapter Info (for reference).
One thing I thought about this morning. I have a Supertuner XCAL flashed tune in my ECU (aftermarket program for towing a large boat). Do you think that is causing an issue? It never affected HOBDrive in Windows Mobile.
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- Сообщения: 18
- Зарегистрирован: 27 сен 2012, 15:23
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- Начинающий
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- Зарегистрирован: 27 сен 2012, 15:23
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Re: Hobdrive on Android Beta
I have to come here to apologize, it was my adapter that was bad, not your program. Eventually, the other OBD program started acting funny and I bought a new adapter.
Now HOBD works just like it is supposed to!
Sorry for ever doubting you...
Now HOBD works just like it is supposed to!
Sorry for ever doubting you...
- Администратор
- Сообщения: 4320
- Зарегистрирован: 06 дек 2011, 15:49
- Имя: Игорь
- Откуда: Нижний Новгород
Re: [Closed] Strange behaviour when connecting
Thanks for informing, Stephen!
HobDrive(свежак) + Android4 rk3188 2din + Elm327USB + Pontiac Vibe 2003
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